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Eating Las Vegas

10/02/2009Print  |  Back
Publication: Eating Las Vegas                      Publication Date: January 12, 2009
City/State: Las Vegas, NV                          Frequency: Daily
Circulation: 20,000

As the story goes: Chinese food is about 5,000 years old, and the Jewish culture dates to at least 4,000 B.C., so for a thousand years the Jews had nothing to eat.

But ELV wants to know: if the two cultures are so intertwined, how come you never find Chinese folks asking where they can score some gefilte fish?

Regardless, when the Chinese Restaurant News is in town with its Top 100 Awards Show, Hizzoner —The Great and Forever Gin Blossomed One — Oscar Goodman — will always be close at hand to celebrate the occasion and take (partial, well-deserved) credit (on behalf of all Jewish folks) for keeping Chinese food so successful in America for the past hundred years or so.

The Mayor was also a good enough sport to offer himself up as a cooking student to Martin (Yan Can Cook) Yan – a man who is revered as a god among the Chinese restaurateurs of America.

Even Robin Leach was on hand to apologize (symbolically, by his very presence) for the Opium Wars.

All in all, it was a lot like a kindergarten pageant where almost everyone got some prize or recognition. But it was a coup to get these awards here, and expect the event to grow in the coming years — giving Vegas yet another foothold on our country’s multi-faceted food culture.

FYI: The Top Ten Awards for Overall Excellence went to:

1. Koi Palace: Daly City, CA
2. Yangming: Bryn Mawr, PA
3. Fung’s Kitchen: Houston, TX
4. Bo Ling’s: Kansas City, MO
5. Grand Sichuan: New York, NY
6. Empress Dim Sum Seafood Restaurant: Denver, CO
7. Chef Lee’s Peking Restaurant: Columbus, GA
8. Suzie’s the Finest Chinese Cuisine: New York, NY
9. China Palace Restaurant: Stockton, CA
10. East Restaurant: Wells, MA

[本报记者岳海燕]中餐百佳的颁奖盛典已于一月五日在内华达州的拉斯维加斯市里奥酒店(Rio All
Suite Hotel & Casino)圆满举行并落幕。此次活动是对为弘扬中餐形象,提高中餐档次,给做出杰出贡献的从业人员一个褒奖,更是对中餐业在全美餐饮业的发展壮大和不懈追求的一个积极推动。此次颁奖的庆典仪式在拉斯维加斯市的举行,也为本市中餐业带来了一股清新的空气。

第15名的拉斯维加斯的中餐馆永利坊 (Wing Lei)。由于工作繁忙,永利坊的世界大师级厨师Richard



百佳全优名店:永利坊(Wing Lei)
百佳外卖店:Bo Bo China
            China A Gogo 5
百佳地方特色菜:妈妈家、Harbor Palace
百佳中亚融合菜 :Red 8、 Yunnan Garden


1 Koi Palace (鲤鱼门) 加州
2 Yangming (阳明轩)宾州
3 Fung’s Kitchen(凤城海鲜酒家)德州
4 Bo Ling’s(宝翎)密州
5 Grand Sichuan(大四川)纽约州
6 Empress Dim Sum Seafood Restaurant(喜相逢)科州
7 Chef Lee’s Peking Restaurant(北京饭店) 乔州
8 Suzie’s the Finest Chinese Cuisine(荣星)纽约州
9 China Palace Restaurant(中国海鲜酒楼)加州
10 East Restaurant(东方红)缅州