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2011-01-21,  來源: Newspaper(Richmond News)打印  |  返回

Fusion eatery wins award

Richmond’s Delizia Fusion Cuisine restaurant has captured the Overall Excellence Award for Canada at the Top100 Chinese Restaurants Competition.

The awards ceremony was held Jan. 8 to 10 in San Francisco, Calif. The restaurant, located at 2150-8391 Alexandra Rd., is owned by the husband-and-wife team of Chef Eddie Li and Irene Hui.


卑詩省列治文市的蘭桂坊餐館剛剛為加拿大贏得了中餐百佳全優名店獎項。這個頒獎典禮是在2011年1月8日至10日在美國加利福尼亞州三藩市舉行。蘭桂坊坐落於2150-8391 Alexandra Rd., 其東主是一對華裔夫婦,分別是Chef Eddie Li和Irene Hui。