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3 條記錄 for “MA”
CeCe's  chinese restaurant
CeCe's chinese restaurant
51 Avenue A, Turners Falls, MA  01376-1104
電話: 413-863-8988

CeCe’s Chinese Restaurant is located in Turners Falls, MA. It has a very brief and natural decoration with about 20 seats, where the wooden facilities, including tables and chairs make it inviting. They are well maintained and clean, because to this restaurant owner, Mr. Zhang, sanitation is of the most...

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YummyYummy Chinese Restaurant
YummyYummy Chinese Restaurant
285 Central St,Leominster,MA 01453, Leominster, MA  01453-6144
電話: 978-840-0128

In a vision to provide locals with another option of up-to-date and healthy-dining eatery, Li opened Yummy Yummy Chinese Restaurant last August. Yummy Yummy is committed to meeting the needs of today’s diners. The rich menu items cover almost all Americanized Chinese dishes, falling into categories of Chicken, Pork, Beef,...

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Vickie's Swansea Chinese Restaurant
Vickie's Swansea Chinese Restaurant
207 Swansea Mall Dr,Swansea MA 02777, Swansea, MA  02777-4120
電話: 508-676-8767

Seated at 207 Swansea Mall DR, Vickie's Swansea Chinese Restaurant has been serving the neighborhood for 20 years. To dine in or to order takeouts, Vickie's  Swansea Chinese Restaurant is the right place to go. Lacking ostentatious interior, Vickie's Swansea Chinese Restaurant instead focuses on food and service. Give a...

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